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Results for "Mother Teresa"
H is for Happiness A totally entertaining movie about a young teen who models resilience, kindness, and a vibrantly happy outlook.
You Don't Need Feet to Dance An inspiring documentary about a disabled West African drummer whose music and dancing enable him to transcend his woes.
Come Undone An anatomy of a sexual affair by Silvio Soldini, one of Italy's most gifted directors.
The Other Side of Heaven Lifts up enthusiasm as an energizing and radiant way of life through the story of a Mormon missionary.
The Chambermaid Slice-of-life film about a young maid at a luxury hotel coping with and rising above the messiness of her work life.
The Salt of Life (Gianni e le donne) An extraordinary and universal Italian film about a 60-year-old man's mid-life crisis and the sapping of his spirit.
He Named Me Malala An inspiring documentary about the teenage advocate for girls' education, reconciliation, and peace.
The Great Beauty A gorgeous film set in Rome that depicts the emptiness of high society and the yearning for beauty that animates the city's most soulful residents.
Carnage Intense portrait of two couples meeting to smooth out rough edges of a mutual problem who wind up letting loose all the anger and hatred inside themselves.
Bly and Woodman on Men and Women The perfect catalyst for soul-making by couples or individuals.